DaisyUI Navbar with Ghost Button Component


The provided code defines a Ruby class named `NavbarWithTitleComponent` that inherits from a class called `ApplicationComponent`. This subclass aims to generate a specific HTML structure designed to represent a navigation bar with a title. It does so through a method named `template`, which constructs the HTML elements dynamically. Inside this method, a `div` element with a class attribute value of 'navbar bg-base-100' is created, signifying it's a navigation bar with a specific background styling. Within this div element, an anchor (`a`) element is embedded, which has a class attribute making it appear as a ghost button (`btn btn-ghost`) with a text size of XL. This anchor element displays the text 'daisyUI', indicating either the name of the website or the branding. The use of 'daisyUI' classes suggests that this component might be styled using the daisyUI framework, which is a set of styles and components designed for the Tailwind CSS utility-first framework.

# frozen_string_literal: true

class NavbarWithTitleComponent < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    div(class: "navbar bg-base-100") do
      a(class: "btn btn-ghost text-xl") { "daisyUI" }