

This Ruby code defines a ToggleComponent class that inherits from ApplicationComponent. The class has a method named template which generates HTML content for a toggle checkbox input with a label. The toggle checkbox is visually customized with classes and has the 'checked' attribute set to true by default. The label contains the text 'Remember me'. The code also hints at the ability to modify the appearance of the toggle checkbox with various color schemes (toggle-primary, toggle-secondary, etc.) and sizes (toggle-lg, toggle-md, etc.), although it doesn't directly implement these options within the template method.

# frozen_string_literal: true

# Toggle checkboxes can be modified by:
# color: toggle-primary, toggle-secondary, toggle-accent, toggle-success, toggle-warning, toggle-info, toggle-error
# size: toggle-lg, toggle-md, toggle-sm, toggle-xs
class ToggleComponent < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    div(class: "form-control") do
      label(class: "label cursor-pointer") do
        span(class: "label-text") { "Remember me" }
        input(type: "checkbox", class: "toggle", checked: true)