

This Ruby code defines a class named `DiffTextComponent` which inherits from `ApplicationView`, indicating it is part of a web application's front-end framework, potentially for rendering views. The class has a single method `template` that constructs HTML content for a visual component, likely intended to compare or highlight differences between two items, given the class and method names.

The `template` method creates a parent `div` with a class suggesting it's designed to have an aspect ratio of 16:9, suitable for widescreen displays. Inside this parent `div`, there are two child `div` elements, each designated as `diff-item-1` and `diff-item-2`. Both child elements contain another `div` with large, bold text displaying the word "DAISY", but with differing background and text color classes suggesting contrasting visual themes or states.

A third `div`, classed as `diff-resizer`, is included, possibly allowing for dynamic adjustment of the two displayed items' comparative sizing or layout, enhancing the component's interactivity and usability for comparison tasks.

Overall, this component seems designed for visually comparing two pieces of content, rendered with an emphasis on distinct visual themes, along with user interactivity features for adjusting the view, within a responsive, widescreen-friendly layout.

class DiffTextComponent < ApplicationView
  def template
    div(class: "diff aspect-[16/9]") do
      div(class: "diff-item-1") do
        div(class: "bg-primary text-primary-content text-9xl font-black grid place-content-center") { "DAISY" }
      div(class: "diff-item-2") do
        div(class: "bg-base-200 text-9xl font-black grid place-content-center") { "DAISY" }
      div(class: "diff-resizer")