

The provided code defines a Ruby class named TextInputComponent, which inherits from a class called ApplicationComponent. This class is designed for creating a text input field in a web application. Inside the TextInputComponent class, there is a method named template that returns an HTML input element. The input element is of type text, has a placeholder text saying "Type here", and has CSS classes "input w-full max-w-xs" applied to it. The comment section at the top of the class outlines potential modifications to the input's appearance through additional CSS classes categorized into color (with various options like input-primary, input-secondary, etc.), size (input-lg, input-md, input-sm, input-xs), and miscellaneous (input-bordered, input-ghost) attributes.

# frozen_string_literal: true

# Text inputs can be modified with the following classes:
# color: input-primary, input-secondary, input-accent, input-info, input-success, input-warning, input-error
# size: input-lg, input-md, input-sm, input-xs
# misc: input-bordered, input-ghost
class TextInputComponent < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    input(type: "text", placeholder: "Type here", class: "input w-full max-w-xs")