
InfoGenerateCreated ByPackages

The provided code is a React component that integrates with the Thirdweb SDK for blockchain and wallet management. It imports several modules from Thirdweb, including `ConnectButton`, `createWallet`, `inAppWallet`, and a light theme for styling (`lightTheme`). The code defines a `wallets` array containing various wallet integrations, including an in-app wallet and popular wallets like MetaMask and Coinbase. It also customizes the theme of the connect button's modal background to blue using `lightTheme`. The `App` function component renders the `ConnectButton` from Thirdweb, passing the defined wallets and the custom theme. The `ConnectButton` allows users to connect to the specified wallets. The `ThirdwebProvider` ensures that the required context for Thirdweb functionality is provided to the application.

import { ConnectButton } from "thirdweb/react";
import { createWallet, inAppWallet } from "thirdweb/wallets";
import { lightTheme } from "thirdweb/react";

const wallets = [

const customTheme = lightTheme({
  colors: {
    modalBg: "blue",

export default function App() {
  return (
      <ConnectButton wallets={wallets} theme={customTheme} />