

The code snippet defines a Ruby class named `ArtboardSize3Component` that inherits from `ApplicationComponent`. This class has a method `template` which when called, creates and returns a `div` HTML element with the class `artboard phone-3`. Inside this `div`, the text `414×736` is placed, presumably representing the dimensions of an artboard or a screen size. The code is part of a web development framework, suggesting its purpose is to dynamically generate a specific part of a webpage or web application's user interface, particularly for displaying an artboard or screen size for a device categorized as 'phone-3'. The use of `frozen_string_literal: true` at the beginning indicates that all string literals in the file are immutable, enhancing Ruby's performance and memory efficiency.

# frozen_string_literal: true

class ArtboardSize3Component < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    div(class: "artboard phone-3") { "414×736" }