
InfoGenerateCreated ByPackages

The code defines a `TenderOffersAgent` class under the `Sublayer::Agents` module that inherits from the `Base` class. This agent appears to be designed for handling tender offers. It gets initialized with a CSV file path and maintains an internal counter for the number of entries. The agent has several phases:

1. **Trigger Condition**: The agent is manually invoked.
2. **Check Status**: When the agent's status is checked, it runs a command to count the lines in the specified CSV file. If the number of lines (entries) is between 20 and 100 inclusive, status check returns true.
3. **Goal Condition**: The goal condition verifies that the number of entries is between 20 and 100 inclusive.
4. **Step**: The step operation prints a message, generates a list of search results, and writes these results back to the specified CSV file.

Noteworthy details include:
- It uses a command line utility `wc -l` to count the lines in the CSV file.
- It includes actions and generators from the `Sublayer::Actions` and `Sublayer::Generators` modules.
- The agent does not perform its logic until manually triggered.

module Sublayer
  module Agents
    class TenderOffersAgent < Base
      def initialize(csv_file_path:)
        @csv_file_path = csv_file_path
        @entries_count = 0


      check_status do
        stdout, stderr, status = Sublayer::Actions::RunCommandAction.new(command: "wc -l #{@csv_file_path}").call
        puts stdout

        @entries_count = stdout.strip.to_i
        @entries_count >= 20 && @entries_count <= 100

      goal_condition do
        @entries_count >= 20 && @entries_count <= 100

      step do
        puts "Taking a step"
        search_results = Sublayer::Generators::ListGenerator.new.generate

        Sublayer::Actions::WriteFileAction.new(file_contents: search_results, file_path: @csv_file_path).call