

This chunk of code defines a Ruby class named `CodeMockupWithLinePrefixComponent` that inherits from `ApplicationComponent`. The class has a method named `template` that generates HTML content, specifically creating a division (`div`) with a class attribute value of "mockup-code". Inside this div, a `pre` element is defined with a data attribute containing a prefix ("$"). Within the `pre` element, a `code` element contains the text "npm i daisyui", indicating a command to install the DaisyUI plugin for Tailwind CSS using npm. This structure is suited for displaying code snippets or commands within a web application, with the prefix ($) suggesting it's a command to be run in a terminal. The purpose of this component could be to provide a styled representation of terminal commands or code snippets within an application's UI, emphasizing the command-like nature of the content.

class CodeMockupWithLinePrefixComponent < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    div(class: "mockup-code") do
      pre(data: { prefix: "$" }) do
        code { "npm i daisyui" }