

This code defines a Ruby class named BreadcrumbsWithMaxWidthComponent, which inherits from ApplicationView. The class has a method named template that generates a HTML structure for a breadcrumbs component. The method uses a div wrapper with a maximum width of 'xs' and a text size of 'small'. Inside the div, there is an unordered list (ul) containing five list items (li), each displaying a piece of text ('Long text 1' to 'Long text 5'). This structure is likely used for navigational purposes on a web page, indicating the user's current location within a hierarchy of pages or content, with a focus on responsive design due to the max-width specification.

class BreadcrumbsWithMaxWidthComponent < ApplicationView
  def template
    div(class: "max-w-xs text-sm breadcrumbs") do
      ul do
        li { "Long text 1" }
        li { "Long text 2" }
        li { "Long text 3" }
        li { "Long text 4" }
        li { "Long text 5" }