

This is a Ruby class named BadgeComponent, which likely inherits from a base component class named ApplicationComponent, commonly used in Rails applications for organizing front-end code. The purpose of this class is to generate a badge component, which is a small count or label used to indicate status, notifications, or to categorize items. The BadgeComponent class contains a method named template that returns a span HTML element with the class "badge" and a text content of "Badge." The comments at the beginning of the class hint at additional functionality related to colors and sizes for the badge, as well as other modifiers like 'badge-outline', but this specific implementation of the template method does not demonstrate the utilization of these functionalities.

# frozen_string_literal: true

# badges have modifiers for color and size
# colors: badge-neutral, badge-primary, badge-secondary, badge-accent, badge-ghost, badge-info, badge-success, badge-warning, badge-error, badge-outline
# sizes: badge-lg, badge-md, badge-sm, badge-xs
# misc modifiers: badge-outline

class BadgeComponent < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    span(class: "badge") { "Badge" }