Focusable Collapsible Content Component


The code defines a Ruby class named `CollapseComponent` which inherits from `ApplicationComponent`. This class is specifically designed to generate a collapsible content component in a web page. The `template` method within the class constructs a collapsible container using HTML `div` elements with various classes applied for styling and functionality. The collapsible container consists of two main parts: a title, which is clickable and has the text "Focus me to see content", and a content section that contains explanatory text. The content section becomes visible or hidden when the title part is focused, likely through interaction or keyboard navigation. The `tabindex="0"` attribute is emphasized as essential for making the `div` element focusable, allowing users to interact with it. This code is likely part of a web application's frontend, where `ApplicationComponent` provides common functionality or setup for its subclasses, including this collapsible component.

# frozen_string_literal: true

class CollapseComponent < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    div(class: "collapse bg-base-200", tabindex: 0) do
      div(class: "collapse-title text-xl font-medium") { "Focus me to see content" }
      div(class: "collapse-content") { "tabindex=\"0\" attribute is necessary to make the div focusable" }