

This Ruby code defines a class named `TooltipComponent`, which appears to be derived from a parent class called `ApplicationComponent`, indicating it might be part of a web framework (possibly Rails, given the naming conventions). The purpose of the class is to create a tooltip component – a common UI element that provides additional information (in this case, 'hello') when the user hovers over a specific target (here, a button labeled 'Hover me'). The `template` method defines the HTML structure of the tooltip component, using a div element with a class of 'tooltip' to encapsulate the tooltip content and a button element with a class of 'btn' as the hover target. Additionally, the class description comments mention various classes (`tooltip-primary`, `tooltip-secondary`, etc.) that can modify the tooltip's appearance and the `position` classes (`tooltip-top`, `tooltip-right`, etc.) that can adjust the tooltip's display position relative to the hover target. These classes likely correspond to predefined CSS styles that alter the tooltip's color and placement, allowing for customizable tooltip appearances.

# frozen_string_literal: true

# Tooltips can be modified by the following classes:
# color: tooltip-primary, tooltip-secondary, tooltip-accent, tooltip-info, tooltip-success, tooltip-warning, tooltip-error
# position: tooltip-top, tooltip-right, tooltip-left, tooltip-bottom
class TooltipComponent < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    div(class: "tooltip", data: { tip: "hello" }) do
      button(class: "btn") { "Hover me" }