

This code defines a Ruby class named `ArtboardSize1Component` which inherits from `ApplicationComponent`. The class contains a method named `template`, which seems to programmatically generate a div element with a class attribute value of "artboard phone-1". Within this div, it dynamically inserts the string "320×568", likely indicating a dimension or size. The primary purpose of this class is to create a user interface component representing a specific artboard size, probably meant for a web or mobile application development environment. Noteworthy details include the use of Ruby's `frozen_string_literal: true` comment at the top, which is a magic comment that freezes all string literals in the file for immutability and potential performance benefits. The method leverages a block-based syntax for defining the content of the div, which suggests the use of a DSL (Domain-Specific Language) for HTML generation, common in many modern web frameworks.

# frozen_string_literal: true

class ArtboardSize1Component < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    div(class: "artboard phone-1") { "320×568" }