

The code defines a Ruby class named DividerComponent that inherits from ApplicationComponent. Its main functionality is to generate HTML content dynamically through the template method. This method outlines a layout structure using div elements to create a visually separated two-part content layout. Specifically, the layout consists of two content areas, labeled "content", separated by a divider with the label "OR". The separation is achieved using CSS classes for styling, leveraging Flexbox and grid display systems. The CSS classes also hint at the ability to customize the divider with various colors and orientations (vertical or horizontal), and to adjust the divider text position (start or end). The use of "frozen_string_literal: true" at the beginning ensures that all string literals in the file are immutable, which is a good practice for optimizing memory usage in Ruby.

# frozen_string_literal: true

# Dividers can be modified by:
# color: divider-neutral, divider-primary, divider-secondary, divider-accent, divider-success, divider-warning, divider-info, divider-error
# and also by:
# divider-vertical: divide elements on top of each other
# divider-horizontal: divide elements next to each other
# divider-start: pushes the divider text to the start
# divider-end: pushes the divider text to the end

class DividerComponent < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    div(class: "flex flex-col w-full border-opacity-50") do
      div(class: "grid h-20 card bg-base-300 rounded-box place-items-center") do
        plain "content"
      div(class: "divider") do
        plain "OR"
      div(class: "grid h-20 card bg-base-300 rounded-box place-items-center") do
        plain "content"