
InfoGenerateCreated ByPackages

This chunk of code defines a Ruby class named `FormComponent`, which inherits from `ApplicationComponent`. It's designed to create a form component in a Ruby on Rails application, likely using a framework like ViewComponent for component-based views.

### Purpose and Functionality:
1. **Form Structure**: The component constructs a form with a specified class name `custom-form`.
2. **Input Fields**: It contains two input fields:
- A text input for "Username" with a placeholder "Enter your username".
- An email input for "Email" with a placeholder "Enter your email".
3. **Checkbox**: The form includes a checkbox labeled "Remember me", which is pre-checked by default. The checkbox can be customized with various color and size classes as noted in the comments, but these options aren't directly implemented in the code.
4. **Submit Button**: It includes a submission button labeled "Submit".

### Noteworthy Details:
- The form uses CSS classes such as `form-group`, `form-label`, `form-input`, and `submit-button` to style various elements. These classes suggest that styling and layout are managed externally, probably via a CSS framework or custom styles.
- Comments at the beginning of the code indicate that customization of checkboxes is possible using specific color and size classes, though this code does not set or leverage those options.
- The `frozen_string_literal: true` comment at the top is a magic comment in Ruby that makes all string literals in the file immutable, which is a practice to improve performance by reducing object allocations.

In essence, this component is part of a UI system designed to encapsulate form creation in a modular and reusable way, adhering to component-driven development principles.

# frozen_string_literal: true

# Checkbox can be modified by:
# color: checkbox-primary, checkbox-secondary, checkbox-accent, checkbox-success, checkbox-warning, checkbox-info, checkbox-error
# size: checkbox-lg, checkbox-md, checkbox-sm, checkbox-xs

class FormComponent < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    form(class: "custom-form") do
      div(class: "form-group") do
        label(for: "username", class: "form-label") { "Username" }
        input(id: "username", type: "text", class: "form-input", placeholder: "Enter your username")
      div(class: "form-group") do
        label(for: "email", class: "form-label") { "Email" }
        input(id: "email", type: "email", class: "form-input", placeholder: "Enter your email")
      div(class: "form-group") do
        label(class: "label cursor-pointer") do
          span(class: "label-text") { "Remember me" }
          input(type: "checkbox", checked: "checked", class: "checkbox")

      button(type: "submit", class: "submit-button") { "Submit" }