Basic Button Component Blueprint with Customization Guide


This code snippet defines a button component in Ruby, specifically for use within a web application framework (likely Rails, given the class naming convention). The component, named `ButtonComponent`, extends from `ApplicationComponent`, suggesting it's part of a system that encourages component-based development. Despite the initial comments indicating the button component can be customized with various classes for color, size, and additional functionalities, the current implementation of the `template` method only yields a basic button with the class `btn` and no customization options. The comments serve as a guide for potential enhancements to make the button more versatile in appearance and behavior, but these enhancements are not implemented in the provided code.

# frozen_string_literal: true

# btn component can be modified by
# color: btn-neutral, btn-primary, btn-secondary, btn-accent, btn-info, btn-success, btn-warning, btn-error, btn-ghost
# size: btn-lg, btn-md, btn-sm, btn-xs
# misc: btn-link, btn-outline, btn-active, btn-disabled, glass, no-animation, btn-block, btn-circle, btn-square, btn-wide

class ButtonComponent < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    button(class: "btn") { "Button" }