

This code defines a Ruby class named NavbarWithColorsComponent, which inherits from ApplicationComponent. The class is designed to create a navigational bar (navbar) for a web application. Inside the template method, it utilizes a domain-specific language (DSL) for defining HTML content, where a `div` element is created with classes 'navbar', 'bg-primary', and 'text-primary-content' to style the navbar. Within this `div`, a `button` element is added with classes 'btn', 'btn-ghost', and 'text-xl', and it is labeled 'daisyUI'. This setup suggests the application uses the daisyUI framework, a utility-first CSS framework, for styling its components. The navbar features a primary background color with text styled accordingly for content within the primary color scheme. The code snippet uses Ruby's block syntax to define the nested structure of HTML elements, demonstrating a Ruby-centric way to build and manage UI components for web applications.

# frozen_string_literal: true

class NavbarWithColorsComponent < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    div(class: "navbar bg-primary text-primary-content") do
      button(class: "btn btn-ghost text-xl") { "daisyUI" }