The provided code defines a Ruby class named `PaginationComponent`, which inherits from `ApplicationComponent`. This class is likely part of a web framework or application. The primary functionality of this class is to generate a pagination component for a web page through its `template` method. This method constructs HTML content using Ruby methods, specifically creating a `div` element with a class `join`, which contains four `button` elements. These buttons are meant to represent page numbers in the pagination. The first button is labeled "1", the second "2", the third "3", and the fourth "4". The second button also has an additional class `btn-active`, indicating that it represents the current page. These button elements are styled with classes `join-item` and `btn`, with the active page additionally styled with `btn-active`. This setup suggests that the component is part of a user interface that allows users to navigate through different pages of content by clicking these buttons.
# frozen_string_literal: true
class PaginationComponent < ApplicationComponent
def template
div(class: "join") do
button(class: "join-item btn") { "1" }
button(class: "join-item btn btn-active") { "2" }
button(class: "join-item btn") { "3" }
button(class: "join-item btn") { "4" }