

The code defines a Ruby class named `ArtboardHorizontalSize3Component` which inherits from `ApplicationComponent`. The purpose of this class is to define a UI component for an artboard with a specific horizontal size, optimized for phone displays, identified here as "phone-3". The `template` method within this class returns a div element with a class attribute set to "artboard artboard-horizontal phone-3", and it contains the string "736×414". This string likely represents the dimensions of the artboard in pixels. The usage of `div` within the method indicates that this component is for web-based applications, possibly using a Ruby on Rails framework or a similar Ruby-based web application framework that supports view components. The `frozen_string_literal: true` comment at the top enforces immutability of string literals within the file, which is a best practice for optimizing memory usage and performance in Ruby applications.

# frozen_string_literal: true

class ArtboardHorizontalSize3Component < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    div(class: "artboard artboard-horizontal phone-3") { "736×414" }