

The provided code defines a Ruby class named `CardComponent`, which inherits from `ApplicationComponent`. Its primary functionality is to generate an HTML representation of a card-like component for a web application. This component is designed using specific CSS classes that indicate it's styled with a particular framework or design system, likely daisyUI considering the class names used.

The `template` method within the `CardComponent` constructs the HTML structure for this card. This includes a division with a specific set of classes for styling (`card w-96 bg-base-100 shadow-xl`), a figure containing an image of shoes, a card body that includes a header with the title "Shoes!", a paragraph with a quirky sentence about dogs and shoes, and a set of card actions including a "Buy Now" button at the bottom right of the card. This button also has designated classes (`btn btn-primary`) suggesting it is styled consistently with the rest of the card.

Essentially, this code snippet provides a dynamic way to create and style a card component for displaying products, in this case, shoes, in a web application, with an emphasis on a clean and attractive design.

# frozen_string_literal: true

class CardComponent < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    div(class: "card w-96 bg-base-100 shadow-xl") do
      figure { img(src: "", alt: "Shoes") }
      div(class: "card-body") do
        h2(class: "card-title") { "Shoes!" }
        p { "If a dog chews shoes whose shoes does he choose?" }
        div(class: "card-actions justify-end") do
          button(class: "btn btn-primary") { "Buy Now" }