

The code defines a Ruby class named `ArtboardHorizontalSize2Component` which inherits from `ApplicationComponent`. Its purpose is to render a specific section or element within an application, characterized by its layout orientation and size. The `template` method inside the class defines the structure of this component, which consists of a `div` tag with a class attribute set to `artboard artboard-horizontal phone-2`. This `div` tag contains the string `667×375`, presumably indicating the dimensions of this artboard component. The overall goal of this code seems to be to provide a reusable UI component that represents a horizontal artboard for a device with a screen size of 667×375 pixels.

# frozen_string_literal: true

class ArtboardHorizontalSize2Component < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    div(class: "artboard artboard-horizontal phone-2") { "667×375" }