

The given chunk of code defines a Ruby class named `CodeMockupWithMultipleLinesComponent` that inherits from `ApplicationComponent`. The purpose of this class is to generate a user interface component, specifically for creating a mockup representation of code execution in a terminal-like environment. It does so by defining a `template` method, which constructs a series of `div` elements styled to mimic the appearance of terminal output.

Inside the `div` element, there are three nested `pre` elements, each designated to display distinct parts of a code execution sequence. The first `pre` element simulates entering a command (`npm i daisyui`) in the terminal with a prefix of `$`. The following two `pre` elements simulate the output of the command execution process, showing "installing..." with a warning text style, and "Done!" with a success text style, respectively. Each `pre` element uses the `data` attribute to denote its purpose (e.g., prefix), and some have additional classes for styling purposes (e.g., "text-warning", "text-success"). This setup is intended to provide a visual representation of executing a command in a code documentation or instructional context.

class CodeMockupWithMultipleLinesComponent < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    div(class: "mockup-code") do
      pre(data: { prefix: "$" }) { code { "npm i daisyui" } }
      pre(data: { prefix: ">" }, class: "text-warning" ) { code { "installing..." } }
      pre(data: { prefix: ">" }, class: "text-success" ) { code { "Done!" } }