
InfoGenerateCreated ByPackages

The provided code defines a class named `ReactTestingLibraryTestGenerator` that inherits from `ApplicationComponent`. It appears to generate a user interface (UI) component used for displaying a template containing information about a React component and its associated test case within a web application.

The `template` method constructs a `div` element with the CSS class `test-case-generator`. Inside this `div`, three `pre` elements are generated to display different pieces of information:

1. **Component**: Displays `` as a code snippet.
2. **Description**: Displays the text "it renders correctly" as a code snippet with an additional CSS class `text-info`.
3. **Generated Test**: Displays a code snippet of a test case written using React Testing Library, with an additional CSS class `text-success`. The test case checks if the `YourComponent` renders correctly by rendering it, selecting it using `screen.getByText`, and then asserting that the component is present in the document using `expect` and `toBeInTheDocument` methods.

The code serves the purpose of generating a visual representation of a React component, its description, and a corresponding test case, likely for documentation or educational purposes.

class ReactTestingLibraryTestGenerator < ApplicationComponent
  def template
    div(class: "test-case-generator") do
      pre(data: { prefix: "Component:" }) { code { "<YourComponent />" } }
      pre(data: { prefix: "Description:" }, class: "text-info" ) { code { "it renders correctly" } }
      pre(data: { prefix: "Generated Test:" }, class: "text-success" ) { code { "test('it renders correctly', () => {\n  render(<YourComponent />);\n  const element = screen.getByText(/YourComponent/i);\n  expect(element).toBeInTheDocument();\n});" } }